
Christmas Jumper day

Christmas Jumper Day

上星期五是英國著名的Christmas Jumper Day, 當日, 學校, 公司都會著聖誕為主題的JUMPER 返學, 返工, 然後再捐£1 比SAVE THE CHILDREN

所以係Jumper Day 之前,各家公司都推出各式各款Jumper, 不過大部份都係經典款式  呢件Spider man Christmas Jumper 係Primark 買的,£10 一件,個款叫做比較型dd, 其他唔係聖誕老人就係Reindeer, 我覺得比較老土啦  


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

Christmas Jumper Day is an annual fundraising campaign in the UK and Ireland organised by charity Save the Children in the UK. On a specific Friday in December, people are encouraged to make the world better with a sweater and raise funds for Save the Children by wearing a Christmas jumper and making a minimum donation of £1 (€1).[1][2]
Those taking part can wear a Christmas jumper they already own, decorate an existing jumper with festive decorations, or even knit their own. Christmas Jumper Day is popular with schools and workplaces. Groups may take part in additional fundraising activities on the day, as well as making donations.[3][4]
Save the Children launched their Christmas Jumper Day in 2012 on Friday, 14 December.[5]
In 2019, Save the Children's Christmas Jumper Day is on Friday 13 December. To take part people can register their workplace, school or group of family and friends on the Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day website.

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