
2023 英國平均薪酬

昨天的 2023 英國畢業生平均薪金 很受大家歡迎

以全職員工計. 平均年薪 38131鎊, 年薪中位數31285鎊 

以地區分的話, 以下是薪金地圖:
不出所料, 倫敦是全國平均年薪最高的地方, 
同一個工種, 在倫敦上班的薪金也會比較高
倫敦周邊城巿的年薪, 也普遍比中部, 北部高

比較意外是, 接近湖區的地方平均年薪拍得住倫敦

Wales 的平均年薪明顯比England / Scotland 少好多

以地區計, South East England 最高, 越北越少人工

以縣計, 除倫敦外, 薪金最高是Surrey, 果然是富人區

以城巿計, 除倫敦外, Reading, Edinburgh 跟隨其後

如果以行業計, 哪一個行業平均年薪最高??

除金融外, 電/煤, 冷氣供應的年薪都好高


以職業計, 火車及電車司機都上最高年薪排行榜


新增: Life in the UK Test 筆記 + 心得

香港 <==> 英國寄件服務
若想把香港的寶貝車運來英國,請pm 我查詢詳細資料
網上購物想慳上加慳, 記得留意TopCashback 有無回贈, 未登記過既, 用以下LINK 登記及消費最少10鎊, 即可以得到10鎊Cashback 回贈
最好用Gift card 回贈App JamDoughnut
Use my referral code Q2WX to get a £2 bonus with your Cash out.
可以去Octopus 格下價, 睇下佢既PLAN 會唔會平過你
若價錢OK, 用呢條ref link, 我和你可以share 100 鎊回贈, 即每人50鎊,
American Express Refer link, 成功申請可以有6000 Avios (3個月內消費£1,000 )
Shopmium Referral link, 或我既Referral code XI2M2P 可以免費換一樽Pringles 薯片
JC IN UK 英倫生活記目錄

更多英國生活分享 https://www.facebook.com/JasperXJayden/


2023 英國畢業生平均薪金

暑假就快完結了, 又要收拾心情開學去
高中生除了要應付公開試外, 還要研究一下大學想讀什麼科目, 將來在哪一方面發展

香港的高才生一面倒喜歡讀醫, 但英國的醫生不論是薪金, 福利都不算特別好

首先, 一同來看看由2014 至今年, 新鮮畢業生的平均年薪

下表列出 2023 年各行業畢業生平均工資 

新增: Life in the UK Test 筆記 + 心得

香港 <==> 英國寄件服務
若想把香港的寶貝車運來英國,請pm 我查詢詳細資料
網上購物想慳上加慳, 記得留意TopCashback 有無回贈, 未登記過既, 用以下LINK 登記及消費最少10鎊, 即可以得到10鎊Cashback 回贈
最好用Gift card 回贈App JamDoughnut
Use my referral code Q2WX to get a £2 bonus with your Cash out.
可以去Octopus 格下價, 睇下佢既PLAN 會唔會平過你
若價錢OK, 用呢條ref link, 我和你可以share 100 鎊回贈, 即每人50鎊,
American Express Refer link, 成功申請可以有6000 Avios (3個月內消費£1,000 )
Shopmium Referral link, 或我既Referral code XI2M2P 可以免費換一樽Pringles 薯片
JC IN UK 英倫生活記目錄

更多英國生活分享 https://www.facebook.com/JasperXJayden/


英國遊 -- 英國新鮮生蠔哪裡尋?

英國作為一個島, 雖然對好海鮮一族來說不算太吸引

不過, 生蠔還算容易找, 而且價錢不算貴

若不想出遠門, 想在家食生蠔, 最簡單可以去Waitrose, 算容易買, 也可以預先訂貨
Costco 偶爾會有, 但不算常見

和朋友開生蠔派對的話, 可以上網訂生蠔
平常多數在Simply Oysters 訂, https://simplyoysters.com/

Maldon Pacific, Whitstable Pacific & West Mersea Wild Pacific 算是比較出名
尤其Whitstable 是英國最著名生蠔出產地, 

另外, West Mersea 也是另一個出名生蠔出產地及旅遊區

Whitstable & West Mersea 也是可以玩大半日的地方, 尤其West Mersea 既可以坐艇仔, 釣蟹仔, 泥灘有彈塗魚, 中午食海鮮, 節目豐富


Whitby: The cold waters of the North Sea make for good oysters where there are shallow bays. 

Thornham: The Village of Thornham near the North Norfolk Coast was once the haunt of smugglers. Now the creeks that run through the salt marshes from the North Sea are covered with rock oysters on trestles, reaching maturity in the salty tidal waters.

Orford: Visit this village beside the Suffolk Heritage Coast for a chance at one of the limited number of tickets to visit the National Trust's Orford Ness National Nature Reserve. The longest shingle spit in Europe with, according to the National Trust, 15% of the world's reserve of vegetated shingle, this rare and fragile landscape can only be reached by the Trust's own ferry and explored along designated paths. Its secret is more than a hidden natural world. During the Cold War it was a hidden military test area and the remains of that use are scattered across the beach. Stop in at Orford Castle,a complete and unusual medieval castle built by Henry II. 

Mistley beside the River Stour on the Essex/Suffolk borders, was once the home of the evil Witchfinder General. According to legend he once owned - or at least lived at The Mistley Thorn. These days, it's a hotel and restaurant about 10 miles northeast of Colchester. The American-born chef serves oysters year round and Colchester natives in season.

Falmouth, on the south Cornish coast, hosts the 4-day Falmouth Oyster Festival every October, a celebration of Cornish seafood and local oysters that kicks off the start of the oyster fishing season there. If you are a real oyster lover, there is no better way to eat oysters than freshly shucked, from a stall by the sea. 

新增: Life in the UK Test 筆記 + 心得

香港 <==> 英國寄件服務
若想把香港的寶貝車運來英國,請pm 我查詢詳細資料
網上購物想慳上加慳, 記得留意TopCashback 有無回贈, 未登記過既, 用以下LINK 登記及消費最少10鎊, 即可以得到10鎊Cashback 回贈
最好用Gift card 回贈App JamDoughnut
Use my referral code Q2WX to get a £2 bonus with your Cash out.
可以去Octopus 格下價, 睇下佢既PLAN 會唔會平過你
若價錢OK, 用呢條ref link, 我和你可以share 100 鎊回贈, 即每人50鎊,
American Express Refer link, 成功申請可以有6000 Avios (3個月內消費£1,000 )
Shopmium Referral link, 或我既Referral code XI2M2P 可以免費換一樽Pringles 薯片
JC IN UK 英倫生活記目錄

更多英國生活分享 https://www.facebook.com/JasperXJayden/



當小朋友的First Name 改為英文名之後

開 Kids Saving Bank Acc, 要留意想唔想小朋友有Debit Card, 
Debit Card 除左可以買東西外, 可以以出門搭車用
如果只有ATM 咭, 就只可以提款

大銀行之中, HSBC UK 的利率最吸引, 但只適合資金不多, 不超過3000鎊
如果小朋友好富貴, 有超過3000鎊, 細銀行既利率就吸引D

HSBC : https://www.hsbc.co.uk/savings/products/mysavings/
Leeds BS: https://www.leedsbuildingsociety.co.uk/savings/childrens-savings-accounts/ronnie-the-rhino-youngsaver/
Metro Bank: https://www.metrobankonline.co.uk/savings/products/young-savers/

Metro Bank, Lloyds Bank, Nationwide 利率都UNDER 2%, 就不推薦了, 雖然小朋友錢不多, 不過小數怕長計, 從小要教他們比較各項優點缺點

HSBC Children Saving Account
若父母本身是HSBC UK 客戶
在HSHC UK 網頁上登記便可以
填完資料, UPLOAD 小朋友護照及小朋友自拍照便完成申請程序
3-5 個工作天便完成申請, 之後HSBC 會寄Debit 及其他文件到家

新增: Life in the UK Test 筆記 + 心得

香港 <==> 英國寄件服務
若想把香港的寶貝車運來英國,請pm 我查詢詳細資料
網上購物想慳上加慳, 記得留意TopCashback 有無回贈, 未登記過既, 用以下LINK 登記及消費最少10鎊, 即可以得到10鎊Cashback 回贈
最好用Gift card 回贈App JamDoughnut
Use my referral code Q2WX to get a £2 bonus with your Cash out.
可以去Octopus 格下價, 睇下佢既PLAN 會唔會平過你
若價錢OK, 用呢條ref link, 我和你可以share 100 鎊回贈, 即每人50鎊,
American Express Refer link, 成功申請可以有6000 Avios (3個月內消費£1,000 )
Shopmium Referral link, 或我既Referral code XI2M2P 可以免費換一樽Pringles 薯片
JC IN UK 英倫生活記目錄

更多英國生活分享 https://www.facebook.com/JasperXJayden/


「窮遊英國」一覽小朋友免費兒童餐 Kids Eat Free

英國學校長假多, 每次放長假都有不同餐廳推出Kids Eat Free
通常大人點一個餐, 就可以Free 一個兒童餐

暑假接近尾聲了, 一同看看有什麼餐廳做優惠

Where: Bill’s
When: Weekdays, 24 July to 1 September
如果一名大人在早餐、午餐和晚餐期間點了任何主菜,則最多兩名 10 歲以下的兒童可全天免費享用兒童菜單中的任何主菜。 兒童食品包括egg on toast, chargrilled chicken and hummus, and vegan meatball pasta.。 這包食物,不包括飲品。

Where: Bodeans
When: Ongoing
隨行成人點餐後,兒童可免費享用三道菜美式燒烤。 小孩子的選擇包括 crudites, baby back ribs, chicken wings or burgers with fries and St Jude’s milk lollies for dessert. 。 The offer is currently available all week long at the Clapham branch, London.

Where: English Heritage sites
When: Until 31 August
參觀英國遺產最受歡迎景點(包括巨石陣、廷塔傑爾城堡和多佛城堡)的會員在咖啡館消費滿 10 英鎊或以上即可免費為青少年提供食物。 此優惠提供給 18 歲以下的兒童,包括最多兩份免費兒童午餐盒,其中包括三明治、零食、甜點、果汁盒和水果。

Where: Future Inns
When: Summer holidays
五歲以下兒童可以在卡迪夫、布里斯托爾和普利茅斯的 Future Inns 連鎖酒店分店免費享用成人購買的任何餐點。 該優惠涵蓋兒童菜單上的早餐、午餐和晚餐(但不包括普利茅斯的周日午餐)。 Options include roast chicken breast or chicken strips with seasonal vegetables and chips, mini fish and chips with peas, and fruit salad.

Where: Gordon Ramsay Restaurants
When: Ongoing
每位點菜菜單上的成人均可免費享用一份兒童套餐中的 8 歲以下兒童主餐。 年輕的美食家可以嘗試Hell’s Kitchen Junior Burger with avocado and roasted tomatoes.。 該優惠適用於該連鎖餐廳的餐廳:: Heddon Street Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Bar & Grill; Pizza East and York & Albany and its Bread Street Kitchen & Bars, which are in London, Liverpool and Edinburgh.

Where: M&S Café
When: Summer holidays (check your location)
今年夏天,只要在 M&S Cafe消費 5 英鎊或以上,孩子們就可以享用兒童餐。Options for young ones include jacket potato with beans or cheesy tomato pasta with a snack (carrot sticks or chocolate chip cookies) and a drink. 

Available in Scotland until 18 August; Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland until 1 September; England and Wales from 24 July to 1 September.

Where: Morrisons
When: Ongoing
當成人用餐消費滿 4.49 英鎊或以上時,16 歲以下青少年可以在 Morrisons 在英國各地的 398 家咖啡館中的任何一家免費用餐。
兒童菜單全天、每週供應,包括chicken nuggets with chips and beans, bangers and mash and mac and cheese。 

Where: OK Diners
When: Ongoing
當成人從點菜菜單中購買主菜時,10 歲以下的兒童可以在這家 50 年代風格的路邊連鎖餐廳免費享用兒童菜單中的菜餚。 
Available all day, week-long, kids’ options include porridge and ‘roll your own wraps’ with pulled pork, grilled chicken or tuna, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber. This is offered in all the branches except those on the A1.

Where: Preto
When: Ongoing
Take a culinary trip to Brazil with a free meal for children under 10 at branches of Preto in London and Colchester, Essex.
Visit the website (see above) to download a voucher, entitling you to a free child’s meal for every full-paying adult rodizio (grill selection), valid every weekday from 4pm and all weekend. Dishes include grilled meats, and a salad bar with a selection of vegetable sides.

Where: The Real Greek
When: Sundays, ongoing
Tired of going for a roast on your day of rest? Enjoy a taste of the Aegean instead with The Real Greek’s “kids eat free on Sundays” offer. Children aged 12 and under can enjoy a main from the kids’ menu (a souvlaki wrap or kids' meze), a drink and ice cream or sorbet for every £10 spent by an adult.

Where: TGI Friday’s
When: Ongoing
Members of the TGI Friday’s Stripes rewards programme who have downloaded the app can feed one child for free when they order an adult’s main meal. Youngsters can order a main and two sides from the “Little League” or “Major League” section of the kids’ menu, with dishes such as fish fingers, tomato tubes, bacon cheeseburger, crispy chicken tenders or veggie sausage and mash.

Where: Tesco
When: Summer holidays (check your location)
A child can eat for free from Mondays to Fridays during the summer holidays when an adult buys something in a Tesco Cafe (for as little as 60p) when showing their Tesco Clubcard at the till. Kids’ options include breakfast such as avocado on toast; a hot meal deal including a main (such as sausages, chicken goujons or fish fingers); and two sides (including peas, chips and crudites); or a Kids' Pick ‘n’ Mix meal deal (sandwich, fruit, two snacks and a drink).
England and Wales from 24 July to 1 September; Scotland until 11 August; Northern Ireland until 1 September).

Where: YO! Sushi
When: Until September 1
Up to three children under 12 can enjoy some sushi and Japanese favourites at this national sushi bar. For every £10 spent by an accompanying adult, one child can enjoy a free kids’ meal deal bento box. Mains include chicken or prawn katsu, chicken gyoza, plus veggie rice and edamame. This applies during weekdays from Monday to Friday, and is only available at dine-in restaurants.

除以上免費兒童餐外, 以下提供只需 1 鎊的兒童餐, 一樣係抵食之選

Where: Asda Cafés
When: Until the end of the year
Children under 16 can enjoy a hot meal or ‘pick and mix’ meal deal of a sandwich, drink and fruit for £1 at any of Asda’s 205 cafés nationwide until the end of the year. There is no minimum spend or any adult meal purchase requirements, and the deal is available all day, every day. The offer covers one meal from the kids menu per child, per day. Free Ella’s baby food pouches are also offered to babies under 18 months old with any purchase.

Where: Bella Italia
When: Ongoing
Children eat for £1 with every purchase of an adult main course from 4-6pm on Monday to Thursday (excluding Center Parcs, Edinburgh and some central London sites) and Saturdays and Sundays (available at Bluewater, Brighton, Cambridge Grafton, Cambridge Leisure, Gateshead, Mansfield, Telford, York Clifton Moor and Nottingham Cornerhouse). Kids can have three courses of Italian food, such as pizza and pasta, with meals suitable for two to 11-year-olds.

Where: Sainsbury's
When: Ongoing
Enjoy one children’s hot main meal, such as fish fingers or a ‘shroomdog’, or lunch bag (a cheese or ham sandwich, crisps, a jelly pot, piece of fruit and a drink) for £1 with the purchase of an adult hot main meal, or a minimum spend of £5.20 in the Sainsbury's café. The offer is available every day from 11.30am until the café closes. The food has been developed for children between the ages of five and 10.

Where: Giraffe
When: From July 24 to September 1
Visit the website (see above) to get a voucher code to allow a child to have a £1 kids' main meal, such as hidden veggie pasta and cod fish fingers, with the purchase of an adult’s main meal. This offer excludes King's Cross, airports and Southbank.

Where: Hungry Horse
When: On Mondays, ongoing
Pub chain Hungry Horse is offering kids’ meals for £1 every Monday, although larger meals are £1.50. Mains include veggie sausages, beef burgers and tomato pasta. The larger meals include tacos, chilli and a katsu chicken burger. Up to two children can eat with every paying adult.

Where: Premier Inn
When: Until September 1
Whether you're a guest in the hotel or not, youngsters can now enjoy dishes off the kids’ menu at Premier Inn's Thyme restaurants for just £1, which includes the 10-veg tomato pasta and fruit salad. Adults can cash in the offer, which applies to two children under 16 per paying adult, when they buy a drink over £1.99 and a main from the evening menu. Two under-16s can already have breakfast for free when an adult buys a Premier Inn breakfast or a meal deal.

Where: Sizzling Pubs
When: Ongoing
For every adult meal at this pub chain, you can have a kid’s main, such as a grilled chicken or a mixed grill, for just £1. The offer is available Monday to Friday between 3-7pm.

新增: Life in the UK Test 筆記 + 心得

香港 <==> 英國寄件服務
若想把香港的寶貝車運來英國,請pm 我查詢詳細資料
網上購物想慳上加慳, 記得留意TopCashback 有無回贈, 未登記過既, 用以下LINK 登記及消費最少10鎊, 即可以得到10鎊Cashback 回贈
最好用Gift card 回贈App JamDoughnut
Use my referral code Q2WX to get a £2 bonus with your Cash out.
可以去Octopus 格下價, 睇下佢既PLAN 會唔會平過你
若價錢OK, 用呢條ref link, 我和你可以share 100 鎊回贈, 即每人50鎊,
American Express Refer link, 成功申請可以有6000 Avios (3個月內消費£1,000 )
Shopmium Referral link, 或我既Referral code XI2M2P 可以免費換一樽Pringles 薯片
JC IN UK 英倫生活記目錄

更多英國生活分享 https://www.facebook.com/JasperXJayden/
