之前在網上, 都睇到唔少人話用LOTR 入境難搵工。
畢竟唔係間間公司既HR 會成日留意英國內政部更新資料
沒有英國護照或BRP 就唔可以在英國工作係一直以來既做法
(若公司唔覺意請左一個人原來係唔可以在英國工作, 咁間公司都會犯法的!!!)
LOTR 咁新, 唔識又有咩出奇?
英國政府為免LOTR 人仕搵工難, 真係幫到出面
特別注明申請左LOTR, 護照上有蓋印就可以打工
BN(O) citizens and their dependants granted Leave Outside the Rules have the right to work in the UK.
BN(O) citizens can use a stamp in their passport as proof of their right to work – this is confirmed in list B, group 1 of the code of practice on preventing illegal working. The stamp restricts their access to public funds but does not restrict their ability to work.
You won’t have to pay a penalty if you employ someone with this stamp in their passport and you’ve checked this allows them to work in the UK.
詳細, 可以參考返政府網頁:
記得Print 低呢頁比顧主參考下啦!!