
Life in the UK Test -- 筆記, 心得 Part 14 音樂相關

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Music Event

What is the name of the annual event that gives awards in a range of musical categories, such as best British group and best British solo artist? The Brit Awards 全英音樂獎

全英音樂獎是個英國唱片業協會創辦的、一年一度的流行音樂獎。名稱BRIT原是指英國或大不列顛的縮寫,但隨後轉變為British Record Industry Trust的字頭縮寫。

When is the Mercury Music Prize awarded? September The Mercury Music Prize is awarded each September for the best album from the UK and Ireland.

Mercury Prize 是英國一年一度的音樂獎, 每年9月舉辦,表揚對象是英國或愛爾蘭的年度最佳專輯 Best Album from the UK and Ireland。 Mercury Prize 由英國唱片業協會及英國唱片商公會於1992年創辦,作為全英音樂獎之外的音樂獎項選擇。

Which of these is a famous classical music event in the UK? The Proms is an eight-week summer season of orchestral classical music that takes place in various venues, including the Royal Albert Hall in London.

The Proms 逍遙音樂會,正式名稱為 Henry Wood Promenade Concerts 亨利·伍德逍遙音樂會,是每年一度在英國倫敦舉行的古典音樂節,是世界著名的音樂節之一。每年音樂節均於夏天舉行歷時八星期,每天均有節目,多在皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳演出,有些室內樂節目則在卡杜甘音樂廳演出。「逍遙」的意思是參加音樂節的觀眾要一直站著觀看演出,但可以隨意走動,尤似散步。 

What is the name of the annual cultural Welsh festival which includes music, dance, art and original performances largely in Welsh? The National Eisteddfod of Wales 威爾斯國家藝術節 is an annual cultural in Welsh. It includes a number of important competitions for Welsh poetry.

威爾斯國家藝術節,或譯國家詩歌音樂藝術節,是威爾斯舉行的一個大型音樂節。它在八月的第一周舉辦,為期八天,是歐洲最大的音樂和詩歌節,參賽者可達六千人,觀眾超過15萬 。 從1950年起,所有節目比賽都需使用威爾斯語進行,只有拉丁語彌撒是例外。

Which two British pop music groups were famous during the Swinging Sixties? The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

The Swinging Sixties was the period between 1964–70 in the UK. These were years of great social and cultural change that made the country what it is today. The term 'swinging sixties' comes from the free, permissive 1960s culture and the prevalence of popular culture and pop music.

Swinging Sixties 期間, 最著名的英國樂隊便是The Beatles 及 The Rolling Stones

Who wrote music for King George I? George Frederick Handel

Who wrote an oratorio called ‘Messiah’, which is regularly sung by choirs at Easter time? George Frederick Handel

George Frederick Handel 格奧爾格·弗里德里希·韓德爾,巴洛克音樂作曲家,創作作品類型有歌劇、神劇、頌歌及管風琴協奏曲,著名作品為《彌賽亞》。韓德爾出生於神聖羅馬帝國,後來定居並入籍英國,他的名字亦改為英語化的George Frederick Handel 喬治·弗雷德里克·韓德爾。 韓德爾的風格明顯受到義大利巴洛克風格的作曲家以及德國中部傳統複音音樂的影響。

George Frideric Handel 的彌賽亞 Messiah 最初是複活節獻祭。

Who was Henry Purcell? A musician

Henry Purcell 亨利·普賽爾,巴洛克時期的英格蘭作曲家,吸收法國與義大利音樂的特點,創作出獨特的英國巴洛克音樂風格。他被認為是英國最偉大的作曲家之一,獨霸樂壇兩百年,一直到20世紀初愛德華·埃爾加成名之前,沒有一個本土生長的英國作曲家達到他的成就。 生於倫敦的西敏地區,父親曾任查理二世的宮廷樂師。

What was Edward Elgar famous for? He was a musician Sir Edward Elgar (1857-1934) was a musician. His best known work is probably the Pomp and Circumstance Marches. March No1 (Land of Hope and Glory) is usually played at the Last Night of the Proms at the Royal Albert Hall.

Who composed a suite of pieces themed around the planets and the solar system called ‘The Planets’? Gustav Holst

Gustav Holst 古斯塔夫·西奧多·霍爾斯特,英國作曲家。出生於音樂世家,祖先多為英國人,其餘為瑞典人。19歲時,進入倫敦皇家音樂學院,師事查爾斯·威利爾斯·斯坦福五年。1906年後邊擔任倫敦聖保羅女子學校音樂系主任,邊同時進行作曲。
Gustav Holst 最著名的作品是他的管弦組曲《行星》The Planets。

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