
Life in the UK Test -- 筆記, 心得 Part 18 Art 藝術相關

Art 藝術相關

Where is the National Gallery of Scotland located? The National Gallery of Scotland is in Edinburgh.

蘇格蘭國家畫廊是蘇格蘭國立美術館之一。蘇格蘭國家畫廊位於愛丁堡中部的The Mound。其建築為新古典主義風格,由威廉·亨利·普萊費爾設計。首次對公眾開放是在1859年。蘇格蘭國家畫廊收藏了眾多蘇格蘭人美術家以及自文藝復興至20世紀初的外國藝術家的作品。

Which of the following national galleries is NOT located in London? The National Museum

National Museum Cardiff is a museum and art gallery in Cardiff, Wales. The museum is part of the wider network of Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales. Entry is kept free by a grant from the Welsh Government.

Some of the most well-known galleries are The National Gallery, Tate Britain and Tate Modern in London, the National Museum in Cardiff, and the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh.

In the second half of the 19th century there was an important group of artists who painted detailed pictures on religious or literary themes in bright colours. These were known as: The Pre-Raphaelites The Pre-Raphaelites were an important group of artists in the second half of the 19th century. They painted detailed pictures on religious or literary themes in bright colours. The group included Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Sir John Millais.

The Turner Prize was established in 1984 and celebrates contemporary art. It was named after Joseph Turner. Four works are shortlisted every year and shown at Tate Britain before the winner is announced. The Turner Prize is recognised as one of the most prestigious visual art awards in Europe. Previous winners include Damien Hirst and Richard Wright.

What British artist was awarded the Turner Prize? Damien Hirst

Damien Hirst 生於布里斯托,是英國青年藝術家的主要代表人物之一。他主導了1990年代的英國藝術發展並享有很高的國際聲譽。赫斯特在1986年9月就讀於倫敦大學金匠學院。1995年獲得英國當代藝術大獎特納獎。 赫斯特對於生物有機體的有限性十分感興趣。他把動物的屍體浸泡在甲醛溶液里的系列作品《自然歷史》有著極高的知名度。

Who was a famous Art Deco ceramic designer? Clarice Cliff 

Clarice Cliff (20 January 1899 – 23 October 1972) was an English ceramic artist and designer. Active from 1922 to 1963, Cliff became the head of the factory creative department.

Which British artist was a portrait painter who often painted people in country or garden scenarios? Thomas Gainsborough


Thomas Gainsborough 是一位英國肖像畫及風景畫家。他是皇家藝術研究院的創始人之一,曾為英國王室繪製過許多作品,並與競爭對手約書亞·雷諾茲同為18世紀末期英國著名肖像畫家。

Who was an important contributor to the ‘pop art’ movement of the 1960’s? David Hockney was an important contributor to the ‘pop art’ movement of the 1960s and continues to be influential today.

David Hockney,OM,CH,RA,,英國畫家、版畫家、舞台設計師及攝影師。大衛·霍克尼在1962年獲得倫敦皇家藝術學院的金牌獎。 1963年,藝術家早於他26歲時已舉行了他第一個個展,而到1970年他已在倫敦的 Whitechapel Gallery 舉辦了幾個大型回顧展之中的第一回,隨後並前往其餘三個歐洲機構出席展覽。David Hockney已在他的職涯中獲得了一定數目的榮譽,包括來自世界各地不同機構的9個榮譽學位。2012年,英國女王伊莉莎白二世為其頒發了英國功績勳章。

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