
BNO 平權在望?? 7月1日英國國會宣布BNO 入籍在望, 5+1 PATH 出爐

BNO 平權在望?? 7月1日英國國會宣布BNO 入籍在望, 5+1 PATH 出爐

今日英國時間12點半, 英國國會討論香港問題
究竟, BNO 係咪可以移民英國呢??


今日, 英國政府就出左BNO 入藉既路線圖
新既BNO 移民法, 會容許BNO 持有人來英國, 可以生活和工作, 5年後可以申請 Limited leave to remain, 即永居, 然後, 12個月後, 就可以申請入籍( apply for citizenship)

The UK Government made a commitment to change the rules for BN(O)s should China implement the new national security law first proposed in early June.
This new bespoke immigration route will allow BN(O)s to come to the UK without the current 6 month limit, granting them five years limited leave to remain, with the ability to live and work in the UK.
After these five years, they will be able to apply for settled status and, after a further 12 months with that status, apply for citizenship.
The new bespoke route for BN(O)s will be implemented in the coming months, with exact date and further details to be announced in due course. In the meantime, we will ensure British National (Overseas) citizens who wish to come to the UK will be able to do so, subject to standard immigration checks.


係有明確指出可以帶埋仔女一齊到英國的 (All BNO and their dependants will be given right to remain in the UK, including the right to work and study)

"Under the government's plans, all British Overseas Nationals and their dependants will be given right to remain in the UK, including the right to work and study, for five years. At this point, they will be able to apply for settled status, and after a further year, seek citizenship."

而且, 這個BNO VISA 申請是沒有限額的, 而申請程序簡單化 (no limited on numbers or quotas, process would be simple)
"Updating MPs on the details, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said there would be no limit on numbers or quotas and the application process would be simple."


根據以上兩個網頁, 可以整理出:
1) BNO 及其配偶, 仔女都可以一同到英國工作, 讀書 (好多人關心可唔可以讀政府學校, 但既然寫得dependants will be given right to study, 即可以入讀政府學校啦, 如果係私校, 咩人都可以申請student visa, 不用等政府批)

2) 申請人, 及其配偶, 仔女, 在英國居住5年後, 可以申請永久居留, 申請永久居留的12個月以後, 可以申請入籍

3) 要申請VISA, 但暫時未知申請要求, 如英文能力, 資金, 存款要求等等

4) 沒有申請限額, 即只要符合要求就可以申請VISA

暫時, 只有以上確實資料, 現在等政府進一步消息, 如:
1) 什麼時候開始申請
2) 申請要求
3) 簽證費用

有進一步消息, 會再通知大家

以下是過往文章大合集, 若對移民英國有疑問, 可以先看以下文章有沒有想知既資料

移民英國, 最常見問題 (英國簽證, 移民前後準備, 英國生活大全集)


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