
英文有聲書推薦 從故事書了解歷史 -- The Magic Tree House

#英文有聲書推薦 The Magic Tree House

由彩色Early reader 過渡到黑白小說,可以試下呢套Magic House
主角Jack & Annie 分別8歲及7歲
某日,在屋企後面既森林發現了一間Magic Tree House, 只要在屋內指著書說想去,整間Tree House 就會去到書中既地方
book 1 係回到恐龍時代
每本書,Jack & Annie 都會去到不同時空,不同國家冒險
Amazon 或 Book Depository 也可以買獨立既Audio cd (一set 有幾本書)
我手上呢套係美國版,cd 也是跟呢套
英國的也有自己既Audiobook 出
適讀年齡: 5-8 歲
睇完Oxford Reading Tree 可以試下睇,每個Chapter 不太長,只有幾頁,可以一日睇一兩個Chapter, 慢慢習慣全黑白的Chapter book

Book 1 Summary

Book 2 Summary

Magic Tree House Series

此系列都是 Jack & Annie 一起去不同時代, 國家冒險, 包括第一本去恐龍年代, 第二本是中世紀的騎士年代, 第三本去古埃及, 第五本去日本的忍者年代, 第7本去冰河時代尾聲, 第13本是火山爆發前的龐貝古城, 第25本是莎士比亞時期

從故事中, 可以了解不同時代, 國家, 冒險驚險有趣, 而且英文用字不深, 大約是5歲起可以閱讀
這套書也有出Audio Book, 可以邊看書, 邊聽書, 對英語聽力幫助很大
  1. Dinosaurs Before Dark
  2. The Knight at Dawn
  3. Mummies in the Morning
  4. Pirates Past Noon
  5. Night of the Ninjas
  6. Afternoon on the Amazon
  7. Sunset of the Sabertooth
  8. Midnight on the Moon
  9. Dolphins at Daybreak
  10. Ghost Town at Sundown
  11. Lions at Lunchtime
  12. Polar Bears Past Bedtime
  13. Vacation Under the Volcano
  14. Day of the Dragon King
  15. Viking Ships at Sunrise
  16. Hour of the Olympics
  17. Tonight on the Titanic
  18. Buffalo Before Breakfast
  19. Tigers at Twilight
  20. Dingoes at Dinnertime
  21. Civil War on Sunday
  22. Revolutionary War on Wednesday
  23. Twister on Tuesday
  24. Earthquake in the Early Morning
  25. Stage Fright on a Summer Night
  26. Good Morning, Gorillas
  27. Thanksgiving on Thursday
  28. High Tide in Hawaii
  29. A Big Day for Baseball
  30. Hurricane Heroes in Texas
  31. Warriors in Winter
  32. To the Future, Ben Franklin
  33. Narwhal on a Sunny Night
  34. Late Lunch with Llamas
  35. Camp Time in California
  36. Sunlight on the Snow Leopard
  37. Rhinos at Recess
  38. Time of the Turtle King
  39. Windy Night with Wild Horses

Merlin Missions

  1. Christmas in Camelot
  2. Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve
  3. Summer of the Sea Serpent
  4. Winter of the Ice Wizard
  5. Carnival at Candlelight
  6. Season of the Sandstorms
  7. Night of the New Magicians
  8. Blizzard of the Blue Moon
  9. Dragon of the Red Dawn
  10. Monday with a Mad Genius
  11. Dark Day in the Deep Sea
  12. Eve of the Emperor Penguin
  13. Moonlight on the Magic Flute
  14. A Good Night for Ghosts
  15. Leprechaun in Late Winter
  16. A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time
  17. A Crazy Day with Cobras
  18. Dogs in the Dead of Night
  19. Abe Lincoln At Last
  20. A Perfect Time For Pandas
  21. Stallion at Starlight
  22. Hurry Up Houdini!
  23. High Time for Heroes
  24. Soccer on Sunday
  25. Shadow of the Shark
  26. Balto of the Blue Dawn


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