
英文有聲書 Percy Jackson 波西傑克森

#英文小說推薦 #英文有聲書 #希臘神話 #percyjackson
適合初中生的英文小說 : 波西傑克森

Percy Jackson 呢套書,主角是一個初中生,每年都被不同寄宿學校踢出校
後來,Percy 發現自己是希臘神和人類既混血兒,自己的好朋友原來是一隻羊男,學校還有一位坐輪椅的老師原來是人馬

Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction — Zeus’ master bolt. Along the way, he must face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop him. Most of all, he must come to terms with a father he has never known, and an Oracle that has warned him of betrayal by a friend.

Book Summary of Book 1: Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief

Book Summary of Book 2: Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

Book Summary of Book 3: Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse

Book Summary of Book 4: Percy Jackson and the Battle of Labyrinth

Book Summary of Book 5: Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian

第一套系列Percy Jackson 包括5本書:
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters
Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse
Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian 

呢套書有很多不同的希臘神登場,Zeus, poseidon, Hermes, Hades 等等,唔識希臘神話也不要緊,書入面也會有少少介紹,而且,若用kindke 睇,仲可以click 人名,知道呢個係咩神,有咩特點添,好方便

呢套書也有出Audiobook, 其實希臘神話d 神既名,仲有怪獸名都幾難說,聽下Audiobook 就可以練埋英文聽力添

羅馬神話 Heroes of Olympus
一套5本, 包括:
The Lost Hero
The Son of Neptune
The Mark of Athena
The House of Hades
The Blood of Olympus

埃及神話系列: The Kane Chronicles
一套3本, 包括:
The Red Pyramid,
The Throne of Fire
The Serpent's Shadow.


然後, 一次意外, 他們的爸爸意外地釋放了埃及神Set

北歐神話 Magnus Chase and the gods of Asgard
一套3本, 包括:
The Sword of Summer,
The Hammer of Thor
The Ship of the Dead


閱讀分享Youtube Channel Teddy Bear's Story Time <-- 喜歡閱讀作品分享的話, 請訂閱頻道, 謝謝

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